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电话: 755-27343081-827
姓名: Sybil
Shenzhen ZXY Co.,Ltd

  Found in October 2001,It is a hybrid with digital printing system, no paper labels and other intellectual property rights at the end of high-tech enterprises. Provision of electronic, electrical, toys, gifts, cosmetic, medical, educational, food and other industries product labels, bar code recognition, digital hybrid security, screen printing plate, precision die-cut pieces and other R & D, design, manufacturing and professional service, free provide technical consulting, interactive training,

主要产品/业务: Provision of electronic, electrical, toys, gifts, cosmetic, medical, educational, food and other industries product labels, bar code recognition, digital hybrid security, screen printing plate, precision die-cut pieces

Shenzhen ZXY Co.,Ltd / 广东 / Third Industrial Area, Fuyong Street (518103) / 电话:755-27343081-827

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